Saturday, February 15, 2025
Date of Crime:
Christopher Johnson, 32 y/o
500 Block of Ferris Ave, San Antonio, TX 78220
Crime Description:
Murder Victim Christopher Johnson
Needed To Solve This Case:
Information leading to the identification and location of the suspect responsible for the Murder of Victim Christopher Johnson.
On Thursday, May 5, 2011 at approximately 7:00 pm the body of Christopher Johnson was found in a vacant field in the 500 Block of Ferris Ave. Christopher was shot and killed by an unknown person or persons. Christopher was driving a red Ford Mustang that was found damaged beyond repair at a different location.   (Original release on May 5, 2011)
Crime Stoppers will pay for information which leads to the arrest of anyone involved in any FELONY crime. As always you do not have to give your name when you call. Call CRIME STOPPERS at 224-Stop (7867) Website:
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CRIME STOPPERS may pay UP TO  $5,000 for information which leads to felony arrests in this crime. 
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 Calls and tips directly to Crime Stoppers are anonymous and information that leads to an arrest of a felony offender might be eligible for a reward.
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Call CRIME STOPPERS at 210-224-STOP (210-224-7867). 
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